For the sake of cost efficient and safe operation, more and more companies decide to outsource specific operational tasks or IT services. Reacting to this tendency we have started our system operation service in the past years in which we take full responsibility for the appropriate and reliable operation of the given systems, according to the service level requiremenets defined by the client.
Over the past few years our professionals gained experience in public, private, and hybrid cloud based infrastructure besides classic IT infrastructure. Moreover we are ready to conduct migration of IT environments between various infrastructures. For the sake of dealing with any end-user support tasks that may arise during operation (incident management, request compliance) we can provide L1 helpdesk, or desk-side support services for our clients upon request.
Operation and operation support
· Heterogeneous hardware and software environments’ operation and support
· Public, private, and hybrid cloud based infrastructures operation, and support (IBM
BlueMix, Microsoft Azure)
· Designing and execution of migration of IT services between on premise and cloud
based infrastructures
· Building of local area networks, and supporting LAN infrastructure
· Operation and support of Storage and SAN environments
· Operation and support of backup/archive environments
· Operation and support of environments running on cloud based services